Dear Rtr President and Secretary,
Warm May Rotaract Greetings
I find immense pleasure in communicating to all of you, after our sixth successful event YOUTH CARNIVAL2004 hosted by Rotaract Club of Calicut Central.
Me along with all our District Council members join together in wishing you all HAPPY ROTARACTION as ever.
Stepping into the Eleventh Month of our period, one could turn back to see all our colourful achievements and result of our team work that we had progressed till date.
Six District Events churning out more than 1500 rtrs excluding our 5 Zonal Forums (crossing 1000th mark of participation ) adding flavour to the glory of RID3200 would speak about it all. My sincere thanks to all our 6 ZRRs of all ZONES to have aligned zones back on its track. Growth and Revival of clubs in the Periyar Zone,Calicut Zone and the Nilgiris Zone and their astounding activities take us miles ahead when compared to the past. It gives us pride to be well knit with those clubs that carried out matchless humanitarian projects and District projects. We stand proud of those clubs.
This year has been a true example of how a well structured district could also run, keeping pace with communication and technology. District web portal with on-line reporting, and daily sms to 200 cell users about information are our credit. With more than 1350 hits on the counter and other DRRs from all other countries signing over, we are proud of being responsible to have also introduced all our rtrs on the cybertrack.
I urge you all to motivate your club members to attend the 7th Event of the Year CLIMAX 2004- Our District Sports Meet on 16th May, hosted by RC of Saibaba Colony. Kindly Contact your DRRs to assist you in blocking dates for my Official visit that is in speedy progress.
Not stopping with that alone, our District has been compassionate enough, to organize a District Conference for Interactors ( Upcoming Rtrs) along with Rotary Clubs Of Tirupur during June.
I strongly appreciate all presidents who had submitted their World Rotaract Week Recognition Form and Presedential Citation form on time.
The last two months will imply focus on MEGA District Projects with abundant fulfillment of the visionary zeal of the DRR and the District followed by the much awaited MEGA EVENT, AWARDS NIGHT SAGA 2004 hosted by Rotaract Club Of Cbe Texcity with which we would boast of that we were the perfect Replicate of the saying ALLs WELL,THAT ENDS WELL
SOAR ! Reach for the Newer Skies
Urs in matchless Service,