Dear Golden Era Rotaractors,
At the outset i congratulate all the outgoing presidents who had put their vision into action. I wish you all a purposeful year of Rotaraction for the incoming presidents and secretaries and rotaractors who have a zeal to fly high.
The District Secretariat is ready to 'lend a hand so that you soar to a higher altitude both in your career and in your life.
After our greatest Assembly GOAL'2003 where our leader Rtr.PP.TTS.Baskaran took over charge,as the 32nd DRR of this Prestigious District,from there we have started our journey to reach the maximun altitude.In this journey the first stage have been completed by 18 clubs have reported on-time with welldone 158 projects for the month.
With TOPS coming up on 30th and 31st at Conoor,i look forward to meet you all there in large numbers. Until then i remain in service
Rtr.PP.B.P Hariharan
District General Secretary