In the year 1870 the Methodists in Indiana were having a conference. The Bishop presided. The President of the College where the Conference was held, welcoming the delegates, said I think we are in a very exciting age!
The Bishop asked, Why? What do you see?
The College President, who had a Science Background said, I believe we are coming into a time when we will see, for example, wonderful inventions.
I believe men will fly through the air like Birds.
The Bishop said, This is heresy, this is blasphemy. I read in my Bible that flight is reserved for the angels. I won't allow any such talk in my Diocese.
The Bishops name was Wright. He had two sons Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright WHO INVENTED THE AEROPLANE IN 1903!
We as Rotaractors, have an entrusted calling, to be responsible citizens in our Society. The Eagle, is considered to be a majestic bird of power, might and strength. Above all others birds, it is the soaring eagle, with its size and weight, that gives the most abiding impression of power and purpose in the air. The Eagle is the only bird that can gaze directly at the Sun. It sails directly where lesser birds are rocked and tilted by the air currents.
Like a Majestic Eagle, we as Rotaractors, shall Renew our strength to Explore the World of Rotaract by Soaring high and serving the needy with our
Matchless leadership qualities that are rarely found in others. Higher than the highest - never are Eagles found with its flock, but rarely.
The story of the Wright Brothers kindle spark within all Rotaractors who lack in will power, courage, self confidence and belief, to scale new skies in Rotaract, and to aim high.
Like Eagles let us all Renew Abundance in strength, power, might and show the world, distinctively that we are all BORN TO FLY.
District Rotaract Representative
Rotary International District 3200.